Boro Pregnancy Counseling Center Volunteer Guidelines
Dress Code
BPCC expects a level of professionalism without formality in the appearance of its employees, volunteers and consultants.
- No jeans, shorts, or t-shirts with designs/logos on them (such as a Penn State t-shirt).
- Skirts and capris are acceptable in the summer and should be no shorter than 2″ above the knee when standing.
- Cotton and lightweight tops (clothing) is acceptable yet should be opaque (nothing sheer without appropriate coverage underneath).
- Sleeveless shirts should have straps at least 1″ wide and bra straps should not be visible (no spaghetti strap tops).
- Slips should be worn under lightweight skirts and dresses.
- Flip flops are acceptable as long as they are not tattered.
Sexual Integrity
In regard to sexual activity and relationships, the philosophy of BPCC is that sexual abstinence until marriage and complete faithfulness within a monogamous, heterosexual marriage is the only 100% effective means of preventing unwanted sexually related outcomes. Therefore, this philosophy is implemented on all levels of center operations including client counsel, presentations, and the expected lifestyle of all volunteers and staff.
Sexual Harassment
BPCC will not tolerate any form of sexual harassment within the work environment. Sexual harassment is illegal, unbiblical, degrading and interferes with work performance.
Sexual harassment occurs when unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature becomes a condition of an employee’s or volunteer’s continued employment or service, affects other employment and service decisions regarding the employee and volunteer or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.
Sexual harassment may include requests for sexual favors, unwanted physical touching, unwelcome sexual comments or jokes, nonverbal sexual conduct or gestures, unwelcome displays of sexual pictures or objects, and other sexually based unwelcome conduct.
BPCC requires the cooperation of every employee and volunteer to assure that no sexual harassment takes place within the workplace. An aggrieved employee or volunteer should promptly report sexual harassment to his or her immediate supervisor. However, if the immediate supervisor is an offending party, the aggrieved party shall report the matter to the next highest supervisor or, if there is no such higher supervisor, to the Board Chair.
All reports of sexual harassment will be promptly investigated, and appropriate remedial actions will be taken. Any employee or volunteer who is found to have engaged in sexually harassing conduct will be subject to immediate discharge.
Involvement in Adoptions
BPCC avoids situations in which the interests of board members, employees, volunteers or others for whom they act conflict with the interests of clients. Therefore, BPCC strictly prohibits board members, employees, and volunteers from taking any steps on their own behalf or on the behalf of others to pursue the adoption of any client’s child. This prohibition also applies to any steps that may be taken to pursue adoptions from clients of other affiliated pregnancy centers. Any such conduct will constitute grounds for immediate termination.
To the extent that existing employees or volunteers become involved in an adoption process, the Executive Director will closely monitor such situations to assure that any such employee or volunteer can continue to perform their responsibilities in an appropriate manner. In the event that the Executive Director pursues an adoption, the Board of Directors will closely monitor such situations to assure that they can continue to perform their responsibilities in an appropriate manner.
Emotional/Mental Health of Applicants
The ministry of BPCC requires employees and volunteers who maintain a servant’s posture and who have the spiritual and emotional capacity to focus on the needs of clients. However, some persons may be facing substantial personal issues and problems that render them unable to effectively minister to the needs of others. In reviewing applicants for employment or volunteer service, the Director will assess whether there are any substantial personal issues, problems or past experiences that may currently prevent the applicant from serving as an effective employee or volunteer. When appropriate, the Executive Director may require that an applicant complete a counseling program or Bible study as a prerequisite to employment or volunteer service.
Activism at Abortion Clinics
No BPCC employees, volunteers, or board members shall participate in any “rescue” or protest activities at abortion clinics. This includes acts of civil disobedience, sidewalk counseling or picketing. No BPCC employee, volunteer, or board member will work with such protest groups to refer clients to BPCC through the distribution of BPCC literature. Lawful picketing and marching in general, such as at the State capitol on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday or participating in a March for Life, are acceptable.
Violence against Abortion Clinic Workers, Doctors, or Facilities
BPCC does not condone any act of violence against any abortion clinic worker, doctor, or facility in the name of the “pro-life cause”. BPCC exists to oppose violence as a solution to an unwanted pregnancy and that violence toward anyone, born or unborn, is never justifiable. Violence is not the answer to resolve differing opinions on abortion. Every life is sacred and should be protected without regard of their views or actions.
Use of Illegal Drugs or Alcohol
The use or possession of illicit drugs or the use of alcoholic beverages is not permitted at the center. Also, no employee or volunteer will be permitted to report to the center under the influence of illicit drugs or alcohol.
Release of Employee or Volunteer Information
All reference requests and other outside requests for information concerning current and former employees or volunteers must be submitted in writing and will be handled by the Executive Director. The Executive Director may provide information on current and former employees or volunteers, as appropriate. Except as otherwise required by law or when a signed statement of release is obtained from former employee, this information will be limited to verification of employment, position held and length of employment.
Personal Usage of Office Equipment
BPCC expects all staff members and volunteers to exercise honesty, good judgment, and common sense in connection with their personal use of any property and materials belonging to the center. Employees and volunteers are permitted to make limited personal use of the center’s telephones and office equipment provided that such usage does not interfere with the normal operations of the center and provided, further, that any expenses incurred are promptly reimbursed. Personal phone calls are made or received only as reasonably necessary and limited to no more than 5 minutes. Whenever possible, personal calls are made or received during scheduled breaks. Employees and volunteers will request approval from the Executive Director before making personal use of other office equipment, amenities, or materials. The Executive Director will implement appropriate procedures to assure that employees and volunteers reimburse the center for any personal expenses incurred for postage, materials, or any other purposes. The Executive Director will determine the amount of reasonable charges to be assessed for personal copies made upon the office copier by staff members. Any staff member or volunteer who utilizes the office computer or Internet to gain access to pornographic or inappropriate materials will be subject to disciplinary action including the possibility of immediate termination.
Personal Usage of E-Mail
The purpose of the BPCC’s e-mail system is to conduct center business. All e-mail communications will be handled in the same manner as letters, faxes, and other business communications.
All messages created, sent, or received using the center’s e-mail system are the property of the center. The center retains the right to access, retrieve, and disclose the contents of all such messages, including personal messages. Employees and volunteers may not retrieve or read any e-mail message that was not sent to them unless authorized by the designated e-mail recipient or the Executive Director.
No business or personal e-mail messages will be sent within or from the center that contain any offensive, obscene, or other inappropriate content.
Visitors of Staff at Center
BPCC desires to preserve maximum confidentiality and comfort for clients that visit the center. Therefore, employees and volunteers are generally prohibited from having visitors at the center, except under such circumstances as reasonably necessary. Employees or volunteers who anticipate the need to have visitors should seek the prior permission of the Executive Director. Except in emergency situations, children and family members of employees or volunteers should not come to the center during regular office hours.
Staff Safety
BPCC is committed to providing a safe work environment for its employees and volunteers. BPCC will abide by all applicable OSHA regulations as well as any other applicable state or local safety regulations. All employees and volunteers are expected to follow good safety practices and to adhere to all applicable safety rules and procedures. No employee or volunteer will be requested to perform any duty or responsibility that may expose such employee or volunteer to an unreasonable risk of personal harm. Any employee or volunteer that becomes aware of any unsafe working condition will immediately report such condition to his or her supervisor. Any employment or service related injuries to employees or volunteers will be promptly reported. The willful violation of safety rules, the failure to report unsafe conditions, and the failure to report incidents involving employee or volunteer injury are considered serious offenses and may result in disciplinary action, including possible termination.
BPCC strictly prohibits any form of violence in the workplace, including verbal threats, nonverbal threats, and related actions. Employees and volunteers will promptly report any incidents involving violence or threats of violence that they may observe. The Executive Director will take prompt and appropriate remedial actions. Any criminal misconduct will be immediately reported to appropriate authorities. Any employee or volunteer who engages in such improper conduct may be subject to immediate dismissal.
Suspected Misconduct, Dishonesty, Fraud, and Whistle-blower Protection
If any person knows of or has suspicion about misconduct, dishonesty, or fraud, the Executive Director should be contacted. If the alleged wrongdoing concerns the Executive Director, then the Board Chair or another officer should be notified. If the Executive Director, Board Chair, or officer receives information about misconduct, dishonesty, or fraud, they shall inform the Board which shall determine the appropriate procedure for investigating all credible allegations. At all times, the privacy and reputation of individuals involved will be respected. There will be no punishment or other retaliation for the reporting of conduct under this policy. The anonymity of the person reporting will be protected as requested unless this would impede the investigation.
Conflict Resolution Principles
It is the policy of BPCC to foster the resolution of disputes in accordance with Biblical principles. All persons associated with the center’s ministry, including board members, employees, and volunteers, are encouraged to seek prompt resolution of any disputes that may arise. This should first be attempted on a one-on-one basis in accordance with Matthew 18:15. If such initial attempt(s) are not successful, the matter should promptly be referred to an appropriate supervisor or center representative. If applicable, the center’s grievance procedure should be implemented and followed. Each person involved in any such dispute is encouraged to engage in self-examination; to relinquish any undue selfish goals; and to submit humbly to the reconciliation process so that relationships may be promptly restored in forgiveness and love. Each board member, employee, and volunteer will be required to enter into a written agreement providing for implementation of Christian mediation proceedings, and, if necessary, arbitration proceedings for the resolution of any disputes arising in connection with such person’s involvement with the center’s ministry.
BPCC is committed to confidentiality for every client. Confidentiality may be breached when required by law or permission has been granted by the client and completion of “Consent for Release of Information” form. If a client situation arises that requires reporting, action should be taken with the supervision of the Executive Director.
Confidential information is shared only with persons who have a legitimate need to know, the Executive Director or direct supervisor. Prayer requests made for clients are to be generic in nature and contain no identifying details. Volunteers will not discuss details of client cases with each other or outside of BPCC.
If a client knows a staff member or volunteer, that client should be assured of confidentiality and the availability of other counselors.
Center staff and volunteers will not identify themselves when leaving phone messages for clients unless permission has been granted by the client.
Client files and information that reveals the identity of clients will be kept in a locked and secured area. The files may be kept unlocked during business hours, but locked at all other times. Files may not leave the center at any time.
When anyone other than the client requests information concerning the client, that request will be refused unless the client’s written permission has been obtained or a subpoena or court order has been issued.
Client information is not to be given over the phone to anyone unless written permission has been obtained. (This includes parents, boyfriends, medical personnel, etc.)
Off-site Client Contacts
All interactions with clients by employees or volunteers will be undertaken at the center location, except as may be expressly permitted by the Executive Director. Permission for employees or volunteers to engage in interactions with clients outside the center should only be granted when such contact is deemed reasonably necessary to facilitate the center-client relationship and when on-site contact is not otherwise feasible, ie delivery of items. If off-site interaction with clients is approved, arrangements should be made whenever possible to have at least two center representatives present. All employees and volunteers who engage in such off-site client interactions will conduct themselves in an appropriate manner and in accordance with all guidelines that would otherwise be applicable to on-site interaction with clients. The general prohibition against off-site contacts with clients extends without regard to whether employees or volunteers deem themselves to be acting on their own behalf or on behalf of the center at the time of such interactions. Any employee or volunteer who willfully violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, including immediate termination.
Telephone and Class Guidelines
General Guidelines
BPCC is committed to integrity in dealing with clients and providing promised information and services. The caller/visitor shall never be lied to, deceived, or misled in any way. Medically-sourced and truthful information shall be given at all times. Only those approved and trained by the Executive Director may answer the telephones or counsel clients.
Client Related Calls/Contacts
- Using a professional tone, answer, “Good morning/afternoon, this is (first name) for the Boro Pregnancy Counseling Center. May I help you?” or “Good morning/afternoon, Boro Pregnancy Counseling Center. This is (first name). How may I help you?”
- Do not deceive any caller/visitor regarding the services provided by BPCC. Inform the caller/visitor that BPCC is not a medical clinic when asked about medical services or a medical opinion. BPCC offers a free pregnancy test, pregnancy options counseling, and practical assistance.
- Do not imply that BPCC performs or refers for abortions. If the caller/visitor is interested in an abortion, always tell the caller/visitor that BPCC does not perform or refer for abortions.
- Do not give out information regarding the costs of abortions. Indicate to the caller/visitor that BPCC does not have that information.
- Do not refer callers/visitors to only one physician. If the caller/visitor is requesting a referral for gynecological problems, pregnancy problems, or general health problems, give more than one referral to a local health center, clinic, hospital, or physician. Encourage caller/visitor to contact their own physician, if they have one.
- Do not use half truths or incomplete statements. Do not conceal important facts or intentionally mislead someone. Answer questions in an honest and straight-forward manner. If the answer to a question is unknown, offer to have someone from BPCC to get back to the caller/visitor at a later time with the correct and verified information.
- Never encourage a minor to leave her parents. Always encourage a minor to make an appointment to come into BPCC for information and encourage her to communicate with her parents.
- Do not give out medical or legal advice. Always encourage the caller/visitor to contact her doctor or a medical professional. Encourage her to call legal aid for further information regarding legal referrals.
- Do not argue with callers/visitors, especially those who seem emotionally distressed. Be sensitive to the emotional state of the caller/visitor. Concentrate on soothing emotions through good listening skills. Encourage callers/visitors to make an appointment at BPCC or refer to appropriate services.
- Do not break confidentiality. Never call a client/caller’s parents, husband, boyfriend, boss, etc. to inform them of a pregnancy or any other information a client has given at BPCC. If confidential information is to be released, a “Release of Information” form must be filled out in its entirety. If possible, the client should be present when confidential information is released over the telephone except if client has expressed imminent danger to herself someone else or if there is suspected child abuse.
- Do not break confidentiality when you are speaking with a social worker, agency worker, physician, etc. The client should be present when the phone call is made and/or signed a “Release of Information” form for the information to be released to the person involved.
- Do not leave BPCC’s telephone number when returning a client’s call or making a follow-up call unless the client has given permission to do so. They may not have told family members, roommates, etc. that they have come to BPCC and their confidentiality is to be respected.
- When calling a client at home, give only a first name to identify caller from BPCC. If questioned further, reply that BPCC will call client back at a later time. This includes calls about support services unless client has given verbal or written permission to speak with someone other than themselves.
- Enter ALL client related phone calls/messages on the phone message log provided.
- When the call is for an appointment, request the caller’s name and phone number. Inform caller that the information is confidential and that the BPCC phone number is caller-ID blocked.
- Use the “hold button” or cover the receiver anytime the phone is set down either to get information or another volunteer.
- Never give out any volunteer or staff member personal information.
- If a client calls and their counselor is unavailable, ask to take a message and obtain a phone number where they may be reached. If the counselor is not working at the time of the call, inform the client of their next scheduled work day and encourage them to call then. If it is an emergency, ask the client if she would like to speak to the Executive Director for assistance.
- Never give the media or press information. Take a message and tell the caller that someone will return their call as soon as possible. Relay all of these messages to BPCC Executive Director. (See “Media” policy.)
Prank Calls
- Occasionally, prank calls are received. If a prank call is suspected, HANG UP IMMEDIATELY. If unsure, pray for discernment and proceed as a normal call by (1) setting up an appointment and (2) addressing only the needs with which BPCC can help, a pregnancy test or support services. Be wary of the caller who asks to have a sexual behavior explained over the phone or is trying to explain a sexual act. While the question may be sincere, the call may also be a prank. Often, scheduling an appointment will reveal a caller’s true motive. If the caller insists continuing the call with questionable motives, refer him or her to the Option Line.
- A call from a troubled individual (not a prank) who expresses that they intend some sort of harm to self or others should be taken with extreme care. While these calls are difficult to handle, be encouraged to stay on the phone or allow the Executive Director to handle the call. Attempt to obtain as much information about the caller as possible, such as their name, location, phone number, age, and means of harm (weapons, pills, etc.). Always ask the caller to repeat the phone number and address to verify that what they gave originally is correct by having them repeat it. Alert the Executive Director immediately of the phone call. Under the supervision of the Executive Director, contact the appropriate authorities.
Obscene, Harassing, or Threatening Calls
Procedures: All personnel at BPCC will adhere to the following procedures for handling any calls that are obscene, harassing, or threatening:
Obscene or Harassing Calls
- Obscene calls and harassment calls are not tolerated. The caller is politely and firmly informed that the call is not acceptable and will be ended immediately. Even if callers insist that they have pregnancy-related concerns, the conversation is ended.
- The call is reported to the Executive Director and is recorded on the center phone log.
- The Executive Director reports calls that are repetitive in nature to the police and the Telephone Company.
- The Board Chair is made aware of this report. All actions are documented and kept in a secure location.
Threatening Calls
- All calls that threaten to harm center personnel or to damage the facility are to be taken seriously. The following steps will be taken in responding to a call that includes a bomb threat or any similar threat:
- The caller will be kept on the line as long as possible and asked to provide as much detail as possible about the nature of the threat.
- If caller ID is in use, the phone number of the caller will be noted. If caller ID is not in use, the phone upon which the call is received should then be left off the receiver, and no further calls should be made on that phone until the appropriate authorities are able to pursue a trace.
- The call will be reported to the Executive Director immediately.
- The local police and the FBI will be notified immediately (on a different phone).
- The person receiving the phone call will make a detailed record of the incident including the exact wording of the threat, details concerning the caller’s voice and the presence of any background noise.
- The center will be promptly evacuated if an imminent threat is made to damage the center or to harm its personnel.
- The Board Chair will also be notified. With input from appropriate authorities, the Board and the Executive Director will determine how long the center should remain closed. Clients with appointments and volunteers will be advised of the temporary closing of the center.
Non-client related phone calls
All calls from physicians, agencies, teachers, students, reporters, television stations, advertising agencies, phone companies, etc. should be handled by the Executive Director. Always take the name, phone number and nature of the call and enter it into the appropriate phone log (separate from client related phone calls). If the ED is unavailable, inform the caller that the Director will return the call when possible. Do not promise a specific time or day when the call will be returned.
General Philosophy
In regard to sexual activity and relationships, the philosophy of BPCC is that sexual abstinence until marriage and complete faithfulness within a monogamous, heterosexual marriage is the only 100% effective means of preventing unwanted sexually related outcomes. Therefore, this philosophy is implemented on all levels of center operations including client counsel, presentations, and the expected lifestyle of all volunteers and staff.
Contraception Education
Boro Pregnancy Counseling Center does not refer single clients for contraceptive services. Health issues relevant to various forms of birth control may be addressed with single and married clients with emphasis on abstinence as the most effective form of birth control. Married clients are referred to their medical practitioners and their pastors for advice on the use of contraception.
General Guidelines
Volunteers are always to be honest and forthright with clients.
BPCC offers tender, compassionate care to any woman or man seeking services. BPCC seeks to avoid intentionally or neglectfully inflicting emotional distress to its clients. Abortion procedures and risks are explained in a matter-of-fact manner without graphic pictures or language that may be considered emotionally traumatizing. All clients are informed that BPCC is not a medical facility and should consult with their licensed physician for medical questions and concerns. If a client has not requested information about fetal development and/or abortion procedures and risks, the counselor will obtain his/her verbal consent before discussing these topics. This compassion is extended to educational materials.
If a client request information about an abortion provider, they are informed that the center does not recommend or refer for abortions. In public appearances, general information about abortion providers is at times given with accurate documentation. Representatives of the center will avoid making derogatory remarks about people or organizations associated with abortion.
Clients should not receive services if there is only one staff member present. There should be at least two staff members or one staff member and one volunteer present in the office when services are rendered to clients.
BPCC is an evangelistic ministry with a statement of faith that each employee and volunteer must sign. BPCC espouses the biblical principle that humans are created with a body, mind, and spirit. Clients are encouraged to work through barriers and challenges to growth in a holistic manner, addressing how the client is affected in each area. BPCC respects the religious views and opinions of every client’ therefore, if a client states a preference not to discuss spiritual matter, that request will be honored. Volunteers will ask permission before praying for the client. For the sake of unity, volunteers will stick to the statement of faith, refraining from sharing specific doctrine that is beyond the basics of the Gospel or doctrine that may be considered “controversial” among biblical scholars.
Touching Clients
All BPCC staff and volunteers are expected to refrain from any physical contact with clients. If a touch is perceived by the volunteer to be helpful or comforting to the client, prior verbal consent by the client must be obtained. Touching of any kind that is sexually oriented or motivated is strictly forbidden and will result in immediate dismissal of the involved volunteer if verified.
Freedom of Access
BPCC holds the policy that any client is free to leave the center at any time. This policy is communicated to each client through all appropriate means, including proper furniture placement, media disclosures, and gracious and prompt cessation of the session upon their verbal communication of a client’s will to leave the center.
- Staff and volunteers are to avoid self-placement in front of the door during any conversations during PEP Talks or special events.
Same-Sex Counseling
Staff and volunteers of BPCC are to provide advocacy services at the center facility and under the direction of the Executive Director. Male volunteers will not meet with or be in a room alone with female clients. Female volunteers will not meet or be in a room alone with male clients. If such meetings are imperative, the door to the session room is to be left open while there are other staff members in the center.
Transporting Clients
No center volunteer will transport a client to or from the center for center business or services.
Assisting Minors Who Refuse Abortion
BPCC encourages parents and their children to work together through the challenges of unplanned pregnancies whenever possible. In instances where a minor who is pregnant refuses an abortion that a parent desires, the client and her parent, when possible, will be informed of the right of the pregnant woman to refuse abortion, even if a minor. Steps will then be taken to address the barriers that the minor client and her family may face with practical solutions. No minor client may be placed in housing, or harbored in any way without parental consent. In instances in which parental coercion rises to the level of abusive threats or conduct, the proper authorities must be notified.
Dealing with separation anxiety
- Child’s first visit to BPCC
- It’s normal that child many not want to be left alone with ‘strangers’.
- Soothe child as mom drops off the child.
- Distract child with toys.
- Encourage mom that the anxiety is normal and is a healthy development step for them both.
- Encourage mom that a volunteer will come and get them if the child remains in true distress. Learn to tell the difference between true distress and “pitching a fit”.
- Not the child’s first time
- Keep them in the room and try to keep them quiet/distract them.
- Try to have the same volunteers, if possible, sooth the child.
- Encourage mom that the child made it through the class on the last visit and they will make it through today.
- Encourage mom that a volunteer will come and get them if the child remains in true distress. Learn to tell the difference between true distress and “pitching a fit”.
Speaking to Mothers/Clients
- Mother may have to peek into child care room to “check in” but she should make every effort not to let the child see her as it will only provoke a greater level of anxiety.
- If child seems to be in distress, take mom out of class, but not into the same room as the child.
- Ask mother if child has been separated from her before. Is it just separation anxiety, or if there is something else going on (i.e. teething, earache, etc.)
- If it is separation anxiety, encourage her to go back to the class—BPCC is able to deal with it.
- Stress that this is a good growth step for both of them (This will make her life easier when it comes time for the child to go to school).
Registration for Programs
- All children must be kept in the designated child care area during client programs.
- Mothers/clients must sign in their children on the sign in sheet.
- Label each child with is name on the back of his shirt.
- Label each child’s diaper bag/backpack and any bottle/food container.
- Label each mom with their name and the number of child for easy identification.
- Mothers/clients fill out the child care slips with pertinent information.
- Diapers should be changed before the mother leaves and all bottles/food be ready to go. Child care workers will not mix formula or food for a child.
BPCC staff/volunteers do not change diapers or toilet children All volunteers will wipe down changing table mat after each diaper change.
The appearance and cleanliness of the center reflect the image of this ministry. Each volunteer is responsible for doing their share to contribute in keeping the center neat, clean and sanitary. Upon completing their regular duties, volunteers are expected to leave their work areas neat and orderly and to remove and put away loose papers or other items, as appropriate. Volunteers are expected to contribute in keeping the office bathroom in a clean and sanitary condition at all times. The kitchen area is provided for the convenience of volunteers. Persons who use the kitchen are responsible for keeping it clean, net and sanitary. The practices relating to cleaning the center should provide a good exercise in exhibiting our “servant” attitude.
Center Safety
BPCC maintains its premises in a safe condition for clients and others who come upon the property. The Executive Director is responsible for overseeing such reasonable steps and precautions as may be necessary to keep the center in a safe condition at all times. All employees and volunteers promptly report any unsafe conditions they may observe. Any unsafe conditions are promptly remedied.
Responding to Media Inquiries
The Executive Director is considered the official spokesperson for BPCC. Any official communication about the ministry of BPCC and any responses to media inquiries will be handled by the ED.